Monday, December 13, 2010

The Gift of Giving

Who: Our class

What: Bring small gifts to share, enough for 20 students (may not cost more than $3 total)

Why: Each students will share little trinkets and experience the joy of giving to others.

When: Thursday afternoon

Where: Our classroom

Please note that gifts can be homemade. Your child is welcome to write positive notes or small cards to share with their classmates.

Also note that students without a gift will be encouraged to create something to give during recess. The purpose of this activity is to experience the joy of giving. Happy giving!

Homework this week-


There will not be any paperwork sent home for homework this week! However, I would like for your child to continue to read for 15 minutes every night. We need this!

I will be sending a book home with the book pocket. Please complete and return by Friday in the red folder. Thank you for making reading a priority!

Lauren Guest

Week of FUN!

This week, we are excited to have a little fun with our literature studies. We will incorporate each theme day into all activities for an added bonus!

Monday-Santa Day! Wear your Santa hat and dress in red. Get ready for lots of silly Santa stories, Santa math beard and a Santa acrostic poem!

Tuesday-Reindeer Day! Wear your reindeer antlers and dress in brown. We  have 2 great reindeer stories to read and even reindeer games!

Wednesday-Grinch Day! Wear green or a Grinch shirt if you already have one. We will hear the story of the grouchy Grinch, design a new suit for him and retell the story using puppets.

Thursday-Celebration Day! Our holiday party begins first thing in the morning. The Gift of Giving will be in the afternoon along with creating gifts for the ones we love.

Friday- T'was the Night Before Christmas Day! Wear your PJs for some comfy reading! Early Release at 1:30.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Weely News-Week 16

Check out what's going on in Room 103!


Reading Workshop: Introduce Reading Comprehension Strategies-Wondering within our text
Language Arts: Cause and Effect; Informational texts
Writing: Adding details to writing
Phonics/Spelling: digraphs sh, wh and ph
Social Studies: Christmas Around the World
Math: Place value to 40
Special Events this week: Donate a dollar on Thursday and wear your PJs to school!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Weekly News-Week 15

Check out what's going on in Room 103!


Reading Workshop: Introduce Reading Comprehension Strategies-Making connections to books
Language Arts: Gingerbread book study, sequence of events; homophones

Writing: Letter writing, drafting

Phonics/Spelling: digraph ch; f, l, s, z if I'm behind a short vowel, DOUBLE ME!
Science: Matter and how heat causes change

Math: Place value to 40
BOOK ORDERS due-Monday, December 6th!
Send your decorated Christmas tree by Friday!