Monday, September 26, 2011

Meet the newest edition to the classroom!

I am so happy we now have our JUST RIGHT BOOK LIBRARY in full stock and ready to go. This special library is designed for students to have access to books on their reading level. Each basket is designated with a shape, and each students is assigned a shape. That basket holds books that are perfect for them-not too hard or too easy-JUST RIGHT!

Students have had the opportunity to choose their own books from this library for Read to Self time every day. We have been building our reading STAMINA by reading every day, and adding one more minute to our reading time each day. We have finally made it to 8 minutes (halfway to our goal of 15 minutes). We celebrated by getting our very own book boxes (pictured above the library baskets). The students got to fill them with 3 books from the JUST RIGHT library and 3 free choice books (they can be too easy or too hard). Now students have their own collection of books that they chose on their own. I hope you are seeing that you child is able to read for a longer period of time at home. This is so easy to practice, just set a timer and go!

Also, check out this website: to see what reading level your books at home are. Select the reading system "Guided Reading" for the letter level to be shown when you type in a title or series name in the "Quick Search" section. Now you know how to find just right books!

Activity of the Week-Read with a Partner

In Reader's Workshop last week, we learned how to read with a partner and maximize our reading time... so we can become a better reader! I hope you have heard your child say this, because we have said it almost everyday! Here are some rules we learned to make our read with a partner experience the best it can be:

1. Sit EEKK (Elbow to Elbow, Knee to Knee).
2. Share one book.
3. Put the book in the middle.
4. You read, I read (take turns).
5. If they get stuck on a word, ask them if they would like coaching or time. Never tell them the word!
6. Read the entire time!

This was super fun this week. Here are some pictures of us reading with partners!

You can definitely do this at home, following the rules listed above!

Activity of the Week-Scoop and Sort!

We had a blast playing Scoop and Sort (Thanks to Cara Carroll and the First Grade Parade Blog!) The idea is to scoop out cubes, and figure our how many you scooped by grouping them into groups of ten. See the pictures below for our fun!

Take a scoop of cubes

                           Make groups of ten on a place value mat

Record how many groups and how many left over to find out how many were in your cup in all!

Working Hard!

This is an easy game to play at home! Make a tens and ones mat, get a cup and use anything you can find-beans, rocks, small toys!

Happy Scooping :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Meet our Classroom!

Welcome to Room 103! Take a virtual tour of our room right now!
Our Classroom Library- "The Book Barn"

 Our daily commitment-" I will do things the right way, all the way, with a happy heart!"
Class Family Jobs-we have new responsibilities every week

 Our entryway-"Promises to Each Other"

 The 100 day challenge! Can you read 100 books before the 100th day of school?

 Safe Place-Students are able to come here if they are feeling unhappy, and use the strategies to make themselves feel better. We will soon add our "home family" pictures to the tree... just in case we need a reminder of the ones we love

 The front of our classroom-the Smartboard (we use everyday), calendar and charts we make together.

 The Writing Center-Students can choose from several different writing activities.

 Our Center Chart-Students work through one row a day, at their own pace, while I work with small groups on reading.

 Our School Family Quilt-We each made a patch for the quilt, so now we are a family!

 The Vowel Owls-all of our "star words" from our spelling lists are posted here

 The "Word"-ermelon Patch-for all the "regular words" and "red words"

Each child is responsible for their own cubby 

Thanks for stopping by!
-Mrs. Guest

Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome to our Classroom!


Whew! The first two weeks went by so fast! We have already begun learning new things and getting to know everyone in our new school family. I am so excited to get to know each and every child, things they like and how they learn best. I cannot do it without your support, so THANK YOU!

Please feel free to e-mail or call me anytime with questions or concerns. 
Happy School Year!

Lauren Guest

PS-Please become a "Follower" of the blog for easier access!