Thursday, November 29, 2012

Neat Stuff for the Weekend

Need a new breakfast idea? Over at the Little Bit Funky Blog, there are some easy donuts that any kiddo (or grown-up) would love. Mine would have chocolate on top... just saying! Have fun!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Neat Stuff for the Christmas!

I am a FIRM believer that we should wait to celebrate Christmas AFTER Thanksgiving, but you know all those stores have had their Christmas stuff out for months now! I wanted to wait until after Thanksgiving for this post, but it requires some planning ahead. Anyways... Here are a few ideas for a fun "Countdown to Christmas" for your family!

This one is from Elle Keeps Moving (I had to go pretty far back on her blog posts to actually find this, but it's there!). Wrap 25 Christmas stories and unwrap one every night to read together. What kid doesn't want to open a gift everyday?

Or, if you really want to put some hard work into it, go to The Workman Family Blog and check out their countdown idea. Wrap an activity to complete daily. They even give you ideas for the activities-write letters to Santa, Christmas themed movies, crafts, food, etc. What a fun family experience!

If that's too much for you, check out this fun idea for Christmas Eve. It comes from The Imagination Tree. Wrap a gift full of pajamas, hot chocolate, Christmas books or movies and open on the night before Christmas and enjoy!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Neat Stuff for the Weekend

So we're getting close to Thanksgiving Day and I thought this one would be a good idea for your family get togethers. It comes from the blog called The Girl Who Ate Everything. These are called "Thankful Rolls" and you have everyone write something they are thankful for and bake them into the rolls for dinner. Dinner conversations would be full of thanks! This sounds just like something we would do at my grandma's house! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Writer's Celebration

We just completed our unit on "Easy to Read" writing and invited some special guests from around campus to come see our improvements! It was fun to walk around our "Writer's Gallery" and read each other's pieces! Glad some of you were around campus to attend too!

Election Day Mini-Enrichment Day

I am so blessed to have a class that gets pumped up about everything we learn! This day was no different... Maybe even more excitement than usual! We reserved all of Election Day to learn about it! We started off by learning about fun and serious jobs the president has. We compared them and decided which ones we would like as president! Our "craftivity" is based on the idea from Cara Carroll, but with a fun twist to go along with our discussions.

Then we read 3 books and educated ourselves on each candidate (bc that's what good voters do!). We read "My Teacher for President," "Grace for President," and "Duck for President." We even helped each candidate campaign--bumper stickers for the teacher, buttons for Grace and Duck taught us about the mayor, governor and president! We even discussed women's history when it comes to voting and the president. We listed all the great qualities of each candidate and each student got to cast a ballot, as long as they had their "Voter Registration Card." Turns out... Grace won our vote! With Duck at a close second. This day was truly amazing!

Candy Corn Bandit!!

Well, I don't know if you heard, but someone stole our candy corn!!! We had a bandit on our hands and we had to get to the bottom of it! This activity is based on Abby Mullins' Candy Corn Bandit predicting activity, with a little twist! We had to complete certain activities to read each clue. We solved a mystery picture on a 100s chart by listening to clues, created a glyph and solved math problems. Then we predicted what the bandit looked like and created him! And what do you know, after CAMP, our candy corn was returned safely! It was a great day!

Halloween Bash!

Our fall party was AMAZING!! We made creepy witch finger pens (which turned out to be "bloody" after we got a little too carried away with the nail polish!), played dance party bingo and are some yummy snacks! Thanks to all the mommies who made this party great! We even got to finish the day with Popsicle party for winning the "One for Books" at the book fair... What a great day to be a PC first grader!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Neat Stuff for the Weekend

This looks so fun! It comes from The 36th Avenue Blog... a recipe for GLITTER SLIME! It looks pretty easy too. I love the little jars they created to hold the slime. Enjoy!