Friday, November 4, 2011

Reading Celebration

We have learned all of our reading strategies! We have worked so hard and become great readers. We celebrated how far we have come last week with the kindergarteners. We read our just right books to them to show how hard we've worked and how far we've come! Thanks to Ms. Gabos's class for coming down!

Fall Party

If you weren't there, check out all the great things we did!

We are Bucket Fillers!!

Mrs. Reed (our counselor) came in a did a lesson that really stuck. We learned how everyone has a "bucket" that needs to be filled each day. We can fill others' buckets by being kind, polite and friendly. When we do that, it fill our own bucket too! If we are negative, we dip into other buckets. When we do that we dip into our own buckets, and everyone is down.

This class really loved the lesson! We commited to be BUCKET FILLERS!

Activity of the Week-Blend Lilypads

We had so much fun hopping around in our socks! We used lilypads to make words that begin with blends. The kids had to jump from lilypad to lilypad, saying each sound and spell a word at the end. It was fun to cheer on our friends!