Tuesday, January 25, 2011

100 BOOKS IN 100 DAYS!

Calling all great readers!! Calling all ice cream lovers!!! Turn in your 100 books log by Monday, January 31st to get an ice cream treat on Valentine's Day! Don't let your child be left out!

Weekly News-Week 21

Check out what's going on in Room 103!


Reading Workshop: Non-fiction study-read to confirm facts
Language Arts: Compare and Contrast-making Venn Diagrams
Writing: Planning and drafting a personal narrative
Phonics/Spelling: Long e (ee); ending -ng blends
Science: Observing the sky (day and night)
Math: Beginning fractions of a set

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

100th Day! T-minus 8 days!


The 100th day is Monday, January 31st.

PLEASE have your child complete the "100 Books in 100 Days" reading log given out at the beginning of the school year. Remember all students that reach their goal will earn an ice cream party near Valentine's Day! Your child won't want to miss out!

Also, please see the e-mail about food items we will need to celebrate the 100th day. All help is appreciated!

The 100th day is a BIG DEAL in first grade, thanks for all your support!

Weekly News-Week 20

Check out what's going on in Room 103!


Reading Workshop: Non-fiction study-features of Non-fiction
Language Arts: Main Idea
Writing: Editing
Phonics/Spelling: Magic Final e; ending -nk blends
Social Studies: Martin Luther King, Jr.
Math: Beginning fractions of a whole

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Weekly News-Week 19

Check out what's going on in Room 103!


Reading Workshop: Non-fiction study-purpose and locating information
Language Arts: Compare and Contrast Fiction (Jan Brett book study)
Writing: Giving your character a voice (speech bubbles and quotation marks)
Phonics/Spelling: Magic Final e
Science: Weather changes
Math: Solid Figures (3-D shapes: rectangular prism, pyramid, cone, cube, sphere and cylinder)