Friday, March 30, 2012

Edible Dirt?

Ms. Bosley has been teach the kids all about rocks and soil the past 2 weeks. We even had a "Rock Day" and devoted a whole day to the study of rocks. To review the parts and layers of the soil, she reviewed in such a fun way! The kids got to layer a cup with fun things to represent layers of the soil. Ask them if they know what each layer stands for!

 A layer of pudding, then crushed graham crackers, oreos and a worm to top it off!

 It got a little messy!

Small Moment Stories with About the Author Blurbs

A few weeks ago we concluded a unit on using authors as mentors. We studied authors like Angela Johnson, Kevin Henkes and Donald Crews to see what techniques they used in their writing, that we could use too. The kids really enjoyed this unit, and we concluded with learning how to write "About the Author" blurbs on the back cover. Here are some pictures from our celebration!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Camp out was a BLAST!!! It's my favorite day of the year. We did so many fun things in the tents-read with flashlights, made s'mores and solved math problems about bears in the woods! We even read "scary" stories! Thanks to the Skare's, Reed's, Lee's and Huffman's for donating tents to our cause. I hope this is something the kids will remember forever!


Dr. Seuss Day

Here are some fun pics from our Dr. Seuss Day! We had a great time celebrating this amazing author!

 Rory's not sure about his green eggs!

 Viviana likes it!

 Medha's special green eggs


Most of us liked the green eggs and ham!