Monday, September 26, 2011

Activity of the Week-Read with a Partner

In Reader's Workshop last week, we learned how to read with a partner and maximize our reading time... so we can become a better reader! I hope you have heard your child say this, because we have said it almost everyday! Here are some rules we learned to make our read with a partner experience the best it can be:

1. Sit EEKK (Elbow to Elbow, Knee to Knee).
2. Share one book.
3. Put the book in the middle.
4. You read, I read (take turns).
5. If they get stuck on a word, ask them if they would like coaching or time. Never tell them the word!
6. Read the entire time!

This was super fun this week. Here are some pictures of us reading with partners!

You can definitely do this at home, following the rules listed above!