Monday, September 26, 2011

Meet the newest edition to the classroom!

I am so happy we now have our JUST RIGHT BOOK LIBRARY in full stock and ready to go. This special library is designed for students to have access to books on their reading level. Each basket is designated with a shape, and each students is assigned a shape. That basket holds books that are perfect for them-not too hard or too easy-JUST RIGHT!

Students have had the opportunity to choose their own books from this library for Read to Self time every day. We have been building our reading STAMINA by reading every day, and adding one more minute to our reading time each day. We have finally made it to 8 minutes (halfway to our goal of 15 minutes). We celebrated by getting our very own book boxes (pictured above the library baskets). The students got to fill them with 3 books from the JUST RIGHT library and 3 free choice books (they can be too easy or too hard). Now students have their own collection of books that they chose on their own. I hope you are seeing that you child is able to read for a longer period of time at home. This is so easy to practice, just set a timer and go!

Also, check out this website: to see what reading level your books at home are. Select the reading system "Guided Reading" for the letter level to be shown when you type in a title or series name in the "Quick Search" section. Now you know how to find just right books!