Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy 100th Day!

We made it to the 100th Day of School! We sure are 100 days smarter. We celebrated all day doing activities that involved the number 100. Check out what we did!

 Rory turned his number 100 into a dumbbell! 

 Peyton's 100 is now a monster truck! 
(Don't you love his hat? 10 strips + 10 stickers or stamps on each strip=100 things!)

 Logan and Brock made 100 with their fingers

 Ms. Bosley teaching us how to make ourselves when we turn 100 years old! Wrinkly!!!

 Ben at 100 years old

 Lots of old ladies and men!

 Sofia at 100!

 Getting 100 autographs from other first grade friends!

100 day snack (10 different snacks, 10 of each item = 100 pieces!)